Thursday, 12 December 2013

Criminology 12: Dec.11-12, Questions 1-4

1.) Despite Canada's reputation of being a happy go-lucky nation, even we Canadians have our fair share of hate crimes. While they may not be brutal murders on the streets, or terrorizing an entire community for the sake of it, we instead suffer from a different style.
For example, our young students today have a very high awareness of anti-bullying and homosexual awareness, yet crimes continue to happen. But they are not savage, like others. These crimes could possible be,
-Slandering against homosexual peoples.
-Victimizing a specific ethnic persons.
-Being crude/assaulting an ethnic group.
-Disturbing/Dismantling religious objects.

2.) After the terrorist act on friendly soil, 9/11, the Canadian and American governments were immediately ready to respond. After the devastating attack, all new security systems were to be implemented within all airports. New sensors, cameras, security equipment, etc. But not just the local airports were being upgraded - people themselves took arms and began buying rifles, pistols, and other firearms.
The military generally focused on all aspects of arsenal upgrade - vehicles, weaponry, new explosive proof vests, etc.

3.) While cash is starting to run short due to the new advances in debit/visa machines all over stores, this will not entirely stop criminals - at least not the determined ones.
Identity theft is a very well known crime today, through this crime, the theft of your personal identity cards/information can access various accounts, such as banking, email, or any other online account you may have over time. This can be ultimately more devastating than just stealing twenty-five dollars.
If society is advancing, so will the crime with it.

4.) Most people today are well educated of what a certain thug can look like. Then again, that certain thug might also know what his victim looks like; someone who is generally a young adult. If they don't have cash on them, they thief may take something else of value, such as a cell phone, or piece of jewelry.

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